Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Map skills test

This google map contains the locations of several stories which were featured in the Lancashire Eveneing post on the 5th October. The map was created as part of the digital journalism module.

View LEP map in a larger map

Monday, 25 October 2010

Image Skills Test

As part of the digital journalism module I have photographed one of the signs on UCLan campus and re- sized it several times. I have also included the original image.

Original Image

Thumbnail Image

400 x 300 Image

200 x 500 Image

Editing videos

A practice run at editing videos. The video contains an interview with a UCLan student about tuition fees.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Google Map Exercise

As part of an exercise for the digital journalism module, this map displays the location of the photograph in the previous post. Creating the map was a relatively easy process to work through.

View image map in a larger map

uclan campus photo

Photo of a sign on one of the carparks on UCLAN campus.