Sunday, 29 November 2009

Vintage beauty

Fashion and beauty have always gone hand in hand. So for those of you who wear vintage clothing, why not adapt your makeup and hair to match and try out some different looks from a by-gone era.

There are so many styles to try out; from the popular ivory look in the 1930's, to the bright colours of the 80's.

If you are not sure which look you want to try out or just unsure of how to apply it, the watch the video below for some tips and advice.

The following video is an original makeup tutorial from the 1940's. It's extremely old fashioned but fun to watch!

For complete self indulgence, contact the girls at Lipstick and Curls and let them do your make-up for you. The company are specialists in vintage styling; inparticular hair and makeup from the 20's-50's. They often run events so keep an eye on their website to see where they are next.

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